How to Create Social Media Reels for Your Local Business

 When they were first launched, Instagram Reels were considered a TikTok copycat. Now, with a  57.4% year-over-year increase in Reels usage in 2023, it’s safe to say many brands are using this form of content to boost their visibility. 

Unlike disappearing Stories, Reels stick around on your profile, giving you long-term exposure. It’s the perfect way to expand the reach of your local business's social media presence. The question is, where do you even start with video ideas? 

Don't worry – this guide covers everything you need to know about creating successful Reels for local business profiles.

Why Your Local Business Needs to Invest in Social Media Reels

Static posts are no longer the norm – social media Reels are the new engagement default businesses. Compared to photos and carousels, Reels have a 1.23% higher average engagement rate

Plus, their reach is double that of traditional posts, at an average of 30.81%! That means the Reels for local business profiles can reach twice as many potential customers.

But the benefits go beyond just views. Reels have a 33.83% average impression rate, meaning a huge portion of your audience will at least see your content. This is a game-changer for local businesses! 

Studies also show smaller accounts see more saves on Reels compared to other content, which means viewers are actively keeping your business in mind. 

Getting Started with Reels

Reels aren’t just for Instagram – other platforms like Facebook and YouTube offer their own short-form video features: Facebook Reels and YouTube Shorts.

Here's a quick breakdown to help you choose the right platform to create Reels for local business profiles:

  • Instagram Reels: They’re 15–90 seconds long and known for their trendy sounds, filters, and editing tools. They’re ideal for showcasing your products, services, and team in a fun, engaging way.
  • Facebook Reels: These are similar to Instagram Reels in length and features, but they focus on reaching your existing Facebook audience. They’re great for promoting local events, special offers, and behind-the-scenes glimpses.
  • YouTube Shorts: At 60 seconds max, YouTube Shorts are shorter than the others and focus on quick, informational, or entertaining content. They are perfect for "how-to" tutorials, product demos, and customer testimonials.
  • TikToks: This platform is ideal for a younger audience and content that's lighthearted, engaging, and taps into current trends. TikToks can be anywhere from 3 seconds to 30 minutes long.

No matter which platform you choose, trending sounds and hooking intros are key to grabbing attention on Reels. Now, let's talk about how to create social media reels for local businesses. 

Planning Your Reels Strategy in 3 Steps

Now, you know which platform you want to target with your Reels, or maybe you’re going for a multi-platform approach. The next step is creating a strategy to plan the best Reels for local business accounts.

Know Your Audience

The first step is understanding your ideal customer. Research their demographics (age, location, income), interests, and online behavior (what platforms they use, what kind of content they engage with). Knowing this will help you tailor your Reels content to resonate with them.

For example, if you own a bakery and your target audience is young professionals, you might create Reels with trendy desserts or quick breakfast ideas. But if your target audience is families with young children, you might focus on decorating tutorials or behind-the-scenes glimpses of your bakery.

Set SMART Goals for Reels

Don't just wing it and hope for the best – set SMART goals for your Reels. These goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Here are some common goals for local businesses:

  • Increase in-store visits: Research shows that 80% of viewers engage with a local business online before they visit the store. So, create Reels that showcase your location and incentivize in-person participation.
  • Promote a new product: One in three consumers discover new products through social media. Use your Reels for local business promotion – talk about your latest products, offer sneak peeks, or partner with local influencers for product demos.
  • Boost online reviews: Positive online reviews are like gold for local businesses since they influence tons of consumers' buying decisions. Encourage customer engagement through Reels, respond to comments and messages, and run contests that urge users to leave reviews.

Develop a Content Calendar

Spontaneity is great, but planning your Reels content will save you a lot of time and guarantee a consistent flow. Here are some tips:

  • Tools like Google Sheets or Trello can be simple yet useful for organizing your Reels ideas. Plan your content to align with seasonal events, promotions, or local events.
  • Consider dedicating specific days to certain types of content. For example, "Meet the Team Mondays" or "Foodie Fridays" can create anticipation and urge your viewers to hit the follow button.
  • Focus on events and specials relevant to your community. For instance, you can talk about weekly menu specials at a restaurant, upcoming farmers market vendors, or local charity drives.

Creating Engaging Reels Content: What You Need to Know

You’ve picked your Reels platform and got your strategy mapped out. Now, let's dive into the good stuff: creating local business reels that grab attention and display your products in a way that resonates with viewers.

Reel Formats for Local Businesses

People want to connect with the businesses they support. Here are some formats to create Reels for local business success, along with the best examples.

  • Behind-the-Scenes: Studies show 80% of consumers are more likely to do business with a company they trust. BTS Reels give viewers a peek into your world – introduce your team, show off your workspace, or document the creation process of your products.
BTS Reels for local businesses
  • Product Demos: Let your products do the talking! 64% of consumers say watching online videos influences their purchasing decisions. Create product demo Reels that show how your products work, offer usage tips, or highlight the deliciousness of your bakery's latest creation.
Product Demo reels for small businesses
  • How-To Tutorials: People love learning new things, so you can use Reels to offer helpful how-to guides relevant to your business.
How-to Reels for local businesses
  • Customer Testimonials: Social proof is powerful. Feature satisfied customers raving about your service or products in client testimonial Reels. 91% of buyers trust online testimonials as much as word-of-mouth recommendations, so let your happy customers do the talking for you.
Customer Testimonial Reels for local businesses

How to Write Compelling Hooks

The first few seconds are crucial for grabbing attention in Reels. In fact, you have only 5 seconds to grab a viewer's attention before they click away. Here are some powerful hook examples to inspire your local business content:

  1. "You won't believe what happened when I visited [business name]..." 

This hook creates intrigue about a unique experience at a local business. Plus, it serves as user-generated content, which is 9.8x more impactful than influencer content. Here’s a similar example

Local Business Reels
  1. "POV: You're a customer at [business name]." 

Using a POV format puts the viewer in the shoes of a customer, allowing them to imagine themselves there. Plus, it’s the hottest TikTok trend. 

  1. "Did you know [business name] has been around for X years?" 

Sharing interesting facts about a local business's history educates viewers. Here’s a great example

Reels example for local businesses
  1. "Stop scrolling if you love supporting local!" 

Appealing to viewers' desire to shop locally grabs their attention in the first few seconds. Then, you can tell them all the reasons why your local business is the right choice. Here’s an example

Local business reels
  1. "I've been keeping a secret about the best [product/service] in town..." 

Teasing exclusive information about a local business builds curiosity. Who doesn’t love a bit of top-secret info? 

  1. "X things I wish I knew before visiting [business name]." 

This is another example of UGC content for your reels for local business success. Offering tips and advice helps viewers get the most out of a local business.

  1. "This is the game-changer for [local problem/need].”

Positioning a local business as the solution to a common issue is a pretty compelling hook. 

  1. "Every [local neighborhood] resident needs to hear this..." 

Tailoring the hook to a specific local audience makes it more relevant. Plus, it tells potential customers that you’re willing to cater to them on a personal basis. Here’s the perfect example

An amazing Reels example
  1. "I've been going to [business name] for X years..." 

Here’s another UGC-style hook that establishes a personal connection and expertise to build trust.

  1. "You're missing out if you haven't tried [business name]..." 

Creating a fear of missing out encourages viewers to check out the business. This is also your opportunity to show off everything that makes your business stand out from the competition. Here’s a good example

Local business reels

Filming and Editing Reels

Creating social media Reels for local businesses doesn’t mean you need to invest thousands in fancy equipment. You can create high-quality Reels with your smartphone:

Filming and Editing Reels

Creating social media Reels for local businesses doesn’t mean you need to invest thousands in fancy equipment. You can create high-quality Reels with your smartphone:


  • First, keep in mind that lighting can make all the difference. Natural light is best, but affordable ring lights for indoor filming can go a long way, too.
  • Sound matters! Customers don’t want to hear the buzz of your ceiling fan or surrounding noise. Invest in a basic external microphone for clear audio, especially in noisy environments.
  • Composition can be the difference between professional and “meh.” Frame your shots thoughtfully, avoid shaky footage, and zoom in on key details.
  • Be mindful of privacy – blur the faces of people in public spaces who haven't given permission to be filmed. Don’t forget to obtain any necessary permits for filming in specific locations.


  • Make the most of Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and Facebook Reel features. Most platforms offer user-friendly built-in editing tools with features like text overlays, transitions, and music libraries.
  • Add clear and concise text overlays to explain your message or highlight key points.
  • To make your reels for local business profiles even more professional, use third-party editing tools. Explore options like InShot or CapCut for more advanced editing capabilities.
  • Keep it short and sweet – try to keep your Reels under 60 seconds to maximize engagement.
  • The right music can set the mood and enhance your Reel. Use trending sounds or explore the platform’s music libraries for royalty-free music.

Optimizing Your Local Business Reels for Success

Now that you've created killer Reels for local business profiles, let's make sure it gets seen! Here's how to optimize your Reels for success and turn those casual viewers into engaged fans.

Captions and Hashtags

Captions shouldn’t be considered just afterthoughts. They're crucial for explaining your Reel and driving engagement and visibility. Studies show that Reels with captions see a major boost in comments – a key metric for the algorithm. Here's how to write eye-catching captions.

  • Keep it clear and concise. People are scrolling fast, so get straight to the point. Briefly describe your Reel, highlight any special offers, and include a call to action (CTA).
  • Write CTAs that convert. Tell viewers what you want them to do – visit your website, leave a comment, or complete a form. A strong CTA can seriously boost your Reels for local business success.

Engagement and Community Building

Hashtags aren’t as important as they used to be, but they’re still the key to discoverability. Here's how to use them strategically:

  • Include relevant location-based hashtags. For example, a bakery in Seattle could use #seattleeats or #pikeplacemarketfinds to reach a local audience. Local hashtags can do a lot for the reach of local businesses on social media.
  • Jump on trending hashtags to get in front of a wider following. Keep a close eye on trending sounds and hashtags within your niche, but remember to keep it relevant to your local business.
  • Create your own branded hashtag to build recognition. Whenever possible, encourage viewers to use it in their comments or even run contests centered around your branded hashtag.

Analytics and Tracking Performance

Numbers don't lie! Each platform has native analytics tools to track the performance of your Reels. Here's what to keep an eye on:

  • Views: See how many people are watching your Reels.
  • Likes & Comments: Engagement is key – track how many people are liking and commenting on your content.
  • Shares: See how many viewers are sharing your Reels with their network.
  • Saves: This one is specific to Instagram, but it shows a lot about the impact of your Reels for local business profiles.


73% of consumers crave short-form video content. As a local business, Reels are a golden opportunity to connect and convert your viewers. Follow the tips from our guide, from planning to optimization, and watch your local following skyrocket!

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September 15, 2024

How to Create Social Media Reels for Your Local Business

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 When they were first launched, Instagram Reels were considered a TikTok copycat. Now, with a  57.4% year-over-year increase in Reels usage in 2023, it’s safe to say many brands are using this form of content to boost their visibility. 

Unlike disappearing Stories, Reels stick around on your profile, giving you long-term exposure. It’s the perfect way to expand the reach of your local business's social media presence. The question is, where do you even start with video ideas? 

Don't worry – this guide covers everything you need to know about creating successful Reels for local business profiles.

Why Your Local Business Needs to Invest in Social Media Reels

Static posts are no longer the norm – social media Reels are the new engagement default businesses. Compared to photos and carousels, Reels have a 1.23% higher average engagement rate

Plus, their reach is double that of traditional posts, at an average of 30.81%! That means the Reels for local business profiles can reach twice as many potential customers.

But the benefits go beyond just views. Reels have a 33.83% average impression rate, meaning a huge portion of your audience will at least see your content. This is a game-changer for local businesses! 

Studies also show smaller accounts see more saves on Reels compared to other content, which means viewers are actively keeping your business in mind. 

Getting Started with Reels

Reels aren’t just for Instagram – other platforms like Facebook and YouTube offer their own short-form video features: Facebook Reels and YouTube Shorts.

Here's a quick breakdown to help you choose the right platform to create Reels for local business profiles:

  • Instagram Reels: They’re 15–90 seconds long and known for their trendy sounds, filters, and editing tools. They’re ideal for showcasing your products, services, and team in a fun, engaging way.
  • Facebook Reels: These are similar to Instagram Reels in length and features, but they focus on reaching your existing Facebook audience. They’re great for promoting local events, special offers, and behind-the-scenes glimpses.
  • YouTube Shorts: At 60 seconds max, YouTube Shorts are shorter than the others and focus on quick, informational, or entertaining content. They are perfect for "how-to" tutorials, product demos, and customer testimonials.
  • TikToks: This platform is ideal for a younger audience and content that's lighthearted, engaging, and taps into current trends. TikToks can be anywhere from 3 seconds to 30 minutes long.

No matter which platform you choose, trending sounds and hooking intros are key to grabbing attention on Reels. Now, let's talk about how to create social media reels for local businesses. 

Planning Your Reels Strategy in 3 Steps

Now, you know which platform you want to target with your Reels, or maybe you’re going for a multi-platform approach. The next step is creating a strategy to plan the best Reels for local business accounts.

Know Your Audience

The first step is understanding your ideal customer. Research their demographics (age, location, income), interests, and online behavior (what platforms they use, what kind of content they engage with). Knowing this will help you tailor your Reels content to resonate with them.

For example, if you own a bakery and your target audience is young professionals, you might create Reels with trendy desserts or quick breakfast ideas. But if your target audience is families with young children, you might focus on decorating tutorials or behind-the-scenes glimpses of your bakery.

Set SMART Goals for Reels

Don't just wing it and hope for the best – set SMART goals for your Reels. These goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Here are some common goals for local businesses:

  • Increase in-store visits: Research shows that 80% of viewers engage with a local business online before they visit the store. So, create Reels that showcase your location and incentivize in-person participation.
  • Promote a new product: One in three consumers discover new products through social media. Use your Reels for local business promotion – talk about your latest products, offer sneak peeks, or partner with local influencers for product demos.
  • Boost online reviews: Positive online reviews are like gold for local businesses since they influence tons of consumers' buying decisions. Encourage customer engagement through Reels, respond to comments and messages, and run contests that urge users to leave reviews.

Develop a Content Calendar

Spontaneity is great, but planning your Reels content will save you a lot of time and guarantee a consistent flow. Here are some tips:

  • Tools like Google Sheets or Trello can be simple yet useful for organizing your Reels ideas. Plan your content to align with seasonal events, promotions, or local events.
  • Consider dedicating specific days to certain types of content. For example, "Meet the Team Mondays" or "Foodie Fridays" can create anticipation and urge your viewers to hit the follow button.
  • Focus on events and specials relevant to your community. For instance, you can talk about weekly menu specials at a restaurant, upcoming farmers market vendors, or local charity drives.

Creating Engaging Reels Content: What You Need to Know

You’ve picked your Reels platform and got your strategy mapped out. Now, let's dive into the good stuff: creating local business reels that grab attention and display your products in a way that resonates with viewers.

Reel Formats for Local Businesses

People want to connect with the businesses they support. Here are some formats to create Reels for local business success, along with the best examples.

  • Behind-the-Scenes: Studies show 80% of consumers are more likely to do business with a company they trust. BTS Reels give viewers a peek into your world – introduce your team, show off your workspace, or document the creation process of your products.
BTS Reels for local businesses
  • Product Demos: Let your products do the talking! 64% of consumers say watching online videos influences their purchasing decisions. Create product demo Reels that show how your products work, offer usage tips, or highlight the deliciousness of your bakery's latest creation.
Product Demo reels for small businesses
  • How-To Tutorials: People love learning new things, so you can use Reels to offer helpful how-to guides relevant to your business.
How-to Reels for local businesses
  • Customer Testimonials: Social proof is powerful. Feature satisfied customers raving about your service or products in client testimonial Reels. 91% of buyers trust online testimonials as much as word-of-mouth recommendations, so let your happy customers do the talking for you.
Customer Testimonial Reels for local businesses

How to Write Compelling Hooks

The first few seconds are crucial for grabbing attention in Reels. In fact, you have only 5 seconds to grab a viewer's attention before they click away. Here are some powerful hook examples to inspire your local business content:

  1. "You won't believe what happened when I visited [business name]..." 

This hook creates intrigue about a unique experience at a local business. Plus, it serves as user-generated content, which is 9.8x more impactful than influencer content. Here’s a similar example

Local Business Reels
  1. "POV: You're a customer at [business name]." 

Using a POV format puts the viewer in the shoes of a customer, allowing them to imagine themselves there. Plus, it’s the hottest TikTok trend. 

  1. "Did you know [business name] has been around for X years?" 

Sharing interesting facts about a local business's history educates viewers. Here’s a great example

Reels example for local businesses
  1. "Stop scrolling if you love supporting local!" 

Appealing to viewers' desire to shop locally grabs their attention in the first few seconds. Then, you can tell them all the reasons why your local business is the right choice. Here’s an example

Local business reels
  1. "I've been keeping a secret about the best [product/service] in town..." 

Teasing exclusive information about a local business builds curiosity. Who doesn’t love a bit of top-secret info? 

  1. "X things I wish I knew before visiting [business name]." 

This is another example of UGC content for your reels for local business success. Offering tips and advice helps viewers get the most out of a local business.

  1. "This is the game-changer for [local problem/need].”

Positioning a local business as the solution to a common issue is a pretty compelling hook. 

  1. "Every [local neighborhood] resident needs to hear this..." 

Tailoring the hook to a specific local audience makes it more relevant. Plus, it tells potential customers that you’re willing to cater to them on a personal basis. Here’s the perfect example

An amazing Reels example
  1. "I've been going to [business name] for X years..." 

Here’s another UGC-style hook that establishes a personal connection and expertise to build trust.

  1. "You're missing out if you haven't tried [business name]..." 

Creating a fear of missing out encourages viewers to check out the business. This is also your opportunity to show off everything that makes your business stand out from the competition. Here’s a good example

Local business reels

Filming and Editing Reels

Creating social media Reels for local businesses doesn’t mean you need to invest thousands in fancy equipment. You can create high-quality Reels with your smartphone:

Filming and Editing Reels

Creating social media Reels for local businesses doesn’t mean you need to invest thousands in fancy equipment. You can create high-quality Reels with your smartphone:


  • First, keep in mind that lighting can make all the difference. Natural light is best, but affordable ring lights for indoor filming can go a long way, too.
  • Sound matters! Customers don’t want to hear the buzz of your ceiling fan or surrounding noise. Invest in a basic external microphone for clear audio, especially in noisy environments.
  • Composition can be the difference between professional and “meh.” Frame your shots thoughtfully, avoid shaky footage, and zoom in on key details.
  • Be mindful of privacy – blur the faces of people in public spaces who haven't given permission to be filmed. Don’t forget to obtain any necessary permits for filming in specific locations.


  • Make the most of Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and Facebook Reel features. Most platforms offer user-friendly built-in editing tools with features like text overlays, transitions, and music libraries.
  • Add clear and concise text overlays to explain your message or highlight key points.
  • To make your reels for local business profiles even more professional, use third-party editing tools. Explore options like InShot or CapCut for more advanced editing capabilities.
  • Keep it short and sweet – try to keep your Reels under 60 seconds to maximize engagement.
  • The right music can set the mood and enhance your Reel. Use trending sounds or explore the platform’s music libraries for royalty-free music.

Optimizing Your Local Business Reels for Success

Now that you've created killer Reels for local business profiles, let's make sure it gets seen! Here's how to optimize your Reels for success and turn those casual viewers into engaged fans.

Captions and Hashtags

Captions shouldn’t be considered just afterthoughts. They're crucial for explaining your Reel and driving engagement and visibility. Studies show that Reels with captions see a major boost in comments – a key metric for the algorithm. Here's how to write eye-catching captions.

  • Keep it clear and concise. People are scrolling fast, so get straight to the point. Briefly describe your Reel, highlight any special offers, and include a call to action (CTA).
  • Write CTAs that convert. Tell viewers what you want them to do – visit your website, leave a comment, or complete a form. A strong CTA can seriously boost your Reels for local business success.

Engagement and Community Building

Hashtags aren’t as important as they used to be, but they’re still the key to discoverability. Here's how to use them strategically:

  • Include relevant location-based hashtags. For example, a bakery in Seattle could use #seattleeats or #pikeplacemarketfinds to reach a local audience. Local hashtags can do a lot for the reach of local businesses on social media.
  • Jump on trending hashtags to get in front of a wider following. Keep a close eye on trending sounds and hashtags within your niche, but remember to keep it relevant to your local business.
  • Create your own branded hashtag to build recognition. Whenever possible, encourage viewers to use it in their comments or even run contests centered around your branded hashtag.

Analytics and Tracking Performance

Numbers don't lie! Each platform has native analytics tools to track the performance of your Reels. Here's what to keep an eye on:

  • Views: See how many people are watching your Reels.
  • Likes & Comments: Engagement is key – track how many people are liking and commenting on your content.
  • Shares: See how many viewers are sharing your Reels with their network.
  • Saves: This one is specific to Instagram, but it shows a lot about the impact of your Reels for local business profiles.


73% of consumers crave short-form video content. As a local business, Reels are a golden opportunity to connect and convert your viewers. Follow the tips from our guide, from planning to optimization, and watch your local following skyrocket!

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