There’s always been a fine line between authentic and inauthentic marketing. Of course, bias is always involved when something is being sold, but when does marketing cross over from genuine promotion into overselling & dishonesty? What does that look like? And can your audience tell the difference??

Hint: Yes! They absolutely can.

Consumers today aren’t stupid. They know when they’re being sold fools gold. If anything, they’re *overly* suspicious of blatant marketing tactics. But no worries, in this article, we’re giving you a fail-safe guide to authentic marketing. What it looks like, why it’s essential, and even some pointers to keep in mind for your next campaign. It’s all here. Let’s get into it

81% of people believe businesses have a responsibility to be transparent on social media.
Sprout Social
Data Survey



Knowledge and experience hold so much weight when it comes to influence. That’s why it’s no surprise that consumers trust experts over everyday people. It just makes sense. Selling a product or service in an industry that you have no genuine experience in is going to be a huge red flag to consumers.

So if you’re just getting started, finding a respected expert to promote your brand is gonna be key to gaining the trust of your audience.

Some good news is that you can be your own brand expert if you have the right credentials. However, including other professionals will always look more genuine and create that sense of social proof that consumers crave.


*Never* tell people, “Just trust me,” give them a reason to! Because, like any relationship, trust isn’t inherently given. It needs to be earned. And when it comes to promoting a product, the best way to achieve that trust is by remaining as transparent as possible.

Give people the inside scoop into your process. Lift up the curtain and explain to your audience why you do the things you do. The more you hold close to your chest, the less authentic you appear.

Creating simple educational videos is a fantastic way to showcase your genuine knowledge while simultaneously presenting yourself as a leading voice in your industry.


If you push price over value, it tells your audience that what you care most about is getting their money, not helping them. And how authentic does that seem?

When developing marketing campaigns and strategies, the number one focus should always be how your target audience can benefit from what you’re selling. Not how you can benefit from them spending their money. Because what you do is about so much more than a price tag. Yes, price is important. But to your audience, there is no direct benefit for them in the price they’re paying.

If you push price over value, it tells your audience that what you care most about is getting their money, not helping them. And how authentic does that seem?


Without a doubt, the best way to promote your brand is to have other people do it for you. Social proof plays a vital role in the buying decision. Whether it’s testimonial videos, online reviews, or case studies, your audience is going to relate much more to real stories than lofty claims.  



"90% of consumers say authenticity is important when choosing the brands they like and support. On top of that, 83% of marketers agree that authenticity is “very important” to their brands."
Stackla Data Report

So, essentially, lacking authenticity isn’t really an option to begin with. But just in case you need more convincing, let’s dive into some more reasons.


People don’t work with people they don’t trust. Period. Especially now, as consumers are paying much more attention to brands than ever before. A survey by Marketing Dive Found that, “Product quality, positive ratings, reviews and customer service are the top three characteristics that establish trust in a brand among Gen Zers”

Today’s consumers will go out of their way to reward trustworthiness and authenticity. But even more importantly, they will do the same to condemn dishonesty.


No matter what industry you’re in, you’re in the business of working with people. And people don’t like feeling generalized or unimportant. So when you’re speaking through your brand, stop being so robotic. Speak like an actual human!

It gives the comforting feeling of connection that consumers crave and eliminates that inorganic feeling that something is being sold.

“51% of consumers define feeling connected to a brand when the brand understands them and their wants—that is, demonstrating empathy.”
Olivia Jepson
Sprout Social


What do you think people will feel more motivated to engage with? An aggressive campaign in which the main message is to “Sell! Sell! Sell!”? Or genuine content that attempts to form a connection, ask a question, or maybe solve a problem?

If your goal is to increase your digital engagement, don’t just sell. Form a comfortable space for your community to engage, start a conversation, and brand loyalty will come naturally.  


  • Find your brand voice and personality and keep it consistent.
    Yes, your brand needs a personality. A customer relationship is just like any other relationship. Your audience shouldn’t be wondering who your brand will be from one moment to the next. Find your tone and stick to it.
  • Vulnerability goes a long way.
    People and brands make mistakes and have flaws; it’s something that everyone can relate to. Don’t try and hide that. If you make a mistake, own up to it, laugh about it, and apologize when needed. Ignoring your flaws will only shine a brighter light on them in the end.
“For long-term customer satisfaction, brand marketing should accurately represent the actual customer experience. It’s better to under-promise and over-deliver than the other way around.”
Joan W.
Content Writers
  • Be transparent!
    If you’re gonna make a claim, make sure you have the results to back it up. A bold declaration might spark some interest, but disappointed customers will be sure to set the truth straight. And once it becomes clear that you make false claims, it’ll be twice as hard to regain that trust.
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There’s always been a fine line between authentic and inauthentic marketing. Of course, bias is always involved when something is being sold, but when does marketing cross over from genuine promotion into overselling & dishonesty? What does that look like? And can your audience tell the difference??

Hint: Yes! They absolutely can.

Consumers today aren’t stupid. They know when they’re being sold fools gold. If anything, they’re *overly* suspicious of blatant marketing tactics. But no worries, in this article, we’re giving you a fail-safe guide to authentic marketing. What it looks like, why it’s essential, and even some pointers to keep in mind for your next campaign. It’s all here. Let’s get into it

81% of people believe businesses have a responsibility to be transparent on social media.
Sprout Social
Data Survey



Knowledge and experience hold so much weight when it comes to influence. That’s why it’s no surprise that consumers trust experts over everyday people. It just makes sense. Selling a product or service in an industry that you have no genuine experience in is going to be a huge red flag to consumers.

So if you’re just getting started, finding a respected expert to promote your brand is gonna be key to gaining the trust of your audience.

Some good news is that you can be your own brand expert if you have the right credentials. However, including other professionals will always look more genuine and create that sense of social proof that consumers crave.


*Never* tell people, “Just trust me,” give them a reason to! Because, like any relationship, trust isn’t inherently given. It needs to be earned. And when it comes to promoting a product, the best way to achieve that trust is by remaining as transparent as possible.

Give people the inside scoop into your process. Lift up the curtain and explain to your audience why you do the things you do. The more you hold close to your chest, the less authentic you appear.

Creating simple educational videos is a fantastic way to showcase your genuine knowledge while simultaneously presenting yourself as a leading voice in your industry.


If you push price over value, it tells your audience that what you care most about is getting their money, not helping them. And how authentic does that seem?

When developing marketing campaigns and strategies, the number one focus should always be how your target audience can benefit from what you’re selling. Not how you can benefit from them spending their money. Because what you do is about so much more than a price tag. Yes, price is important. But to your audience, there is no direct benefit for them in the price they’re paying.

If you push price over value, it tells your audience that what you care most about is getting their money, not helping them. And how authentic does that seem?


Without a doubt, the best way to promote your brand is to have other people do it for you. Social proof plays a vital role in the buying decision. Whether it’s testimonial videos, online reviews, or case studies, your audience is going to relate much more to real stories than lofty claims.  



"90% of consumers say authenticity is important when choosing the brands they like and support. On top of that, 83% of marketers agree that authenticity is “very important” to their brands."
Stackla Data Report

So, essentially, lacking authenticity isn’t really an option to begin with. But just in case you need more convincing, let’s dive into some more reasons.


People don’t work with people they don’t trust. Period. Especially now, as consumers are paying much more attention to brands than ever before. A survey by Marketing Dive Found that, “Product quality, positive ratings, reviews and customer service are the top three characteristics that establish trust in a brand among Gen Zers”

Today’s consumers will go out of their way to reward trustworthiness and authenticity. But even more importantly, they will do the same to condemn dishonesty.


No matter what industry you’re in, you’re in the business of working with people. And people don’t like feeling generalized or unimportant. So when you’re speaking through your brand, stop being so robotic. Speak like an actual human!

It gives the comforting feeling of connection that consumers crave and eliminates that inorganic feeling that something is being sold.

“51% of consumers define feeling connected to a brand when the brand understands them and their wants—that is, demonstrating empathy.”
Olivia Jepson
Sprout Social


What do you think people will feel more motivated to engage with? An aggressive campaign in which the main message is to “Sell! Sell! Sell!”? Or genuine content that attempts to form a connection, ask a question, or maybe solve a problem?

If your goal is to increase your digital engagement, don’t just sell. Form a comfortable space for your community to engage, start a conversation, and brand loyalty will come naturally.  


  • Find your brand voice and personality and keep it consistent.
    Yes, your brand needs a personality. A customer relationship is just like any other relationship. Your audience shouldn’t be wondering who your brand will be from one moment to the next. Find your tone and stick to it.
  • Vulnerability goes a long way.
    People and brands make mistakes and have flaws; it’s something that everyone can relate to. Don’t try and hide that. If you make a mistake, own up to it, laugh about it, and apologize when needed. Ignoring your flaws will only shine a brighter light on them in the end.
“For long-term customer satisfaction, brand marketing should accurately represent the actual customer experience. It’s better to under-promise and over-deliver than the other way around.”
Joan W.
Content Writers
  • Be transparent!
    If you’re gonna make a claim, make sure you have the results to back it up. A bold declaration might spark some interest, but disappointed customers will be sure to set the truth straight. And once it becomes clear that you make false claims, it’ll be twice as hard to regain that trust.
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