Sales funnels can be complicated compositions. Requiring constant care and attention. So when was the last time you really took a look at yours? Noticed its cracks and flaws? Where do most people tend to fall off? And what can you be doing to eliminate that drop-off? In this article, we’re diving into the sales funnel layer by layer and offering valuable tips on elements that can make a huge difference each step of the way. You ready?


The broadest and most expansive part of the funnel. This is where people first lay their eyeballs on your brand.



The awareness stage of your funnel is your brand’s first introduction to unique viewers, so you better make sure it’s a good one. Modern consumers are curious. They want to know who they’re giving their business to and what to expect. So don’t hide from them! A brand overview video is the simplest and most engaging way to digitally shake your audience’s hand and show them who you are on your own terms. Bonus points: adding it to your website is a great way to boost SEO.


We’re sure you know the importance of having a website. It’s nearly impossible to run a successful business without one. But how much sales strategy went into yours? Website creation and maintenance is truly a science. It requires constant updating and monitoring, a solid understanding of the psychology behind how your consumer will use it, and constantly changing SEO practices. Our quick tips include: keep it short and simple, minimize your copy to keep it digestible and on-topic, and be sure to add plenty of Calls to Actions. Make conversion as easy as possible for your audience, or you could lose them to the white noise.


Paid ads are the ultimate tool when it comes to raising awareness. With a solid targeting strategy and well-curated landing pages, a paid ad campaign can be the best way to attract unique eyeballs to your brand and quickly escort them through your sales funnel. It’s easy to monitor, adjust, and continually improve. If you’re looking for a digital way to boost awareness, this is it. Full stop.


The consideration and preference period tends to be the most time-consuming part of the sales funnel. It’s a process that involves research and comparison rather than an impulse buy. This means the more you have to offer your potential consumer, the better.



Whether you’re selling a good or a service, your curious consumer will want to know more about it. And a video showcasing your unique process is the best way to do that. If you’re selling a product, show how it’s made, how it works, and what makes it unique. Similarly, if you’re promoting your service, show the faces of who your customers will be interacting with, what the experience will look like, and how it can benefit them. There’s a good chance your competitors will be doing the same, even if they have less to offer. So don’t let this be where you let your audience drop off.


When it comes to sales, timing plays a huge role. Sometimes a “no” can really just be a “not right now.” It’s important to know when that’s the case and have a plan ready to go to nurture that seed. We recommend an automated email campaign. If you typically run across the same reasons why someone can’t invest right then and there, develop a campaign centered around that hold-up. It’s a great way to generate a semi-personal push. Making the consumer feel heard and incentivize them to eventually pull the trigger.


Similar to the awareness stage, paid ads can be a fantastic way to stay at the top of your consumer’s mind. The keywords in your campaign can lead your unique audience directly to you and then continue to digitally follow them around as they browse the internet. Your brand name stays top of mind and offers small reminders that they need your service.


Arguably one of the most influential aspects of the consideration stage. Consumers (understandably) love reviews. You can speak about your business and the benefits till you’re blue in the face. But an honest and insightful review from an outsider is going to carry so much more weight. So why silently wait for thoughts to come in? Ask your customers and clients to share their input! Bonus points if you do so via video, as it comes across as more genuine and engaging.


You never know how curious your audience is going to be. And the best way to reward that curiosity is to provide value and information in droves. What better way to stand out against your competitors than to really prove you know what the f**k you’re talking about? A steady stream of insightful, industry-centered articles will set you apart as a leader and give your audience a chance to learn about your brand voice and personality.


No two brands are the same, so what makes you unique? Think of your audience and the community you want to build; what kind of brands do they want to engage with? What do they want to see? Compiling your brand personality and culture into an engaging video is a great way to push your consumer further into your funnel. We’re not saying to be someone you’re not. But showcasing the aspects of your brand that you’re proud of and differentiate you from the rest might be the thing that pushes a consumer to buy from you rather than a competitor.


Your brand’s community can say a lot about what your brand represents. Who are your biggest fans, and how do they interact with your brand and the world around them? When consumers buy something, they can be acutely aware of what that purchase says about them individually. For example, different makes and models of cars can all have unique vibes. What image does it represent? What community are they now associating themselves with? To be honest, you don’t have much control over how your community interacts with you. But you do have control over the kind of content you’re putting out and the type of community you form. Be mindful of your social impact and how it may motivate or deter others from joining in.


Alright, so your customer is aware of who you are, and they’re interested in your brand over others, now comes the trickiest part. How to get them to pull the trigger.



At this point, you don’t need to keep selling on who you are. This is where you want to double down on real-life benefits and product transparency. And a product demo video accomplishes both. This is where you can prove any claims you made, answer any lingering questions, and show the actual outcomes of what you have to offer.


The final pitch is a critical moment in the sales funnel. It needs to intricately wrap up all the key benefits and squash any doubts. It’s not the time to leave anything up to chance, which is why incorporating video into your pitches is vital. With video, there’s no chance of stumbling on your words or leaving out a critical point. You can produce it precisely to your liking and have it ready to present whenever it’s needed. No mistakes and no mishaps. Just the perfect pitch every time.


Maintaining a loyal customer is much more valuable than finding and converting new customers. So how do you convince your new customers to come back again and again?



These customers are already aware of your brand and have made their way through your sales funnel successfully. So now the key is to reward them, remain top of mind, and continue to provide value. A consistent e-blast is a fantastic way to stay relevant with your audience and offer up ~insider~ promotions and insights. They’ll feel grateful for the opportunity to save money, and (if they had a pleasant initial experience), they’ll likely return for more.


Let your audience be heard! Obviously, you want to expand your library of positive reviews, so why not go straight to the source? By asking your current customers to share their stories, they’ll feel a deeper connection to your brand. Plus, you’ll have more opportunities to listen and grow from their shared stories. It’s a win-win.


Technically, this isn’t part of the sales funnel. But it’s possibly the most critical element.

Let’s say you read this article and decide to implement all these changes to your sales funnel. That’s great! But how will you know what’s working and to what extent?

An influx of sales is a great thing, but what’s even more important is knowing where that stream is coming from and why. That knowledge will allow you to perpetuate the results. Whether it’s by doubling down on that method or tweaking other aspects of your funnel to better match what brings the most results.

So yes, it’s crucial to adjust your funnel and bring it up to date. But don’t do so if you’re planning on ignoring it and just letting it pilot itself. We’re not saying it’s easy. But it will be worth it.

And as always, if you can’t do it on your own, you’ve got INDIRAP.

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video marketing trends
March 30, 2025



Sales funnels can be complicated compositions. Requiring constant care and attention. So when was the last time you really took a look at yours? Noticed its cracks and flaws? Where do most people tend to fall off? And what can you be doing to eliminate that drop-off? In this article, we’re diving into the sales funnel layer by layer and offering valuable tips on elements that can make a huge difference each step of the way. You ready?


The broadest and most expansive part of the funnel. This is where people first lay their eyeballs on your brand.



The awareness stage of your funnel is your brand’s first introduction to unique viewers, so you better make sure it’s a good one. Modern consumers are curious. They want to know who they’re giving their business to and what to expect. So don’t hide from them! A brand overview video is the simplest and most engaging way to digitally shake your audience’s hand and show them who you are on your own terms. Bonus points: adding it to your website is a great way to boost SEO.


We’re sure you know the importance of having a website. It’s nearly impossible to run a successful business without one. But how much sales strategy went into yours? Website creation and maintenance is truly a science. It requires constant updating and monitoring, a solid understanding of the psychology behind how your consumer will use it, and constantly changing SEO practices. Our quick tips include: keep it short and simple, minimize your copy to keep it digestible and on-topic, and be sure to add plenty of Calls to Actions. Make conversion as easy as possible for your audience, or you could lose them to the white noise.


Paid ads are the ultimate tool when it comes to raising awareness. With a solid targeting strategy and well-curated landing pages, a paid ad campaign can be the best way to attract unique eyeballs to your brand and quickly escort them through your sales funnel. It’s easy to monitor, adjust, and continually improve. If you’re looking for a digital way to boost awareness, this is it. Full stop.


The consideration and preference period tends to be the most time-consuming part of the sales funnel. It’s a process that involves research and comparison rather than an impulse buy. This means the more you have to offer your potential consumer, the better.



Whether you’re selling a good or a service, your curious consumer will want to know more about it. And a video showcasing your unique process is the best way to do that. If you’re selling a product, show how it’s made, how it works, and what makes it unique. Similarly, if you’re promoting your service, show the faces of who your customers will be interacting with, what the experience will look like, and how it can benefit them. There’s a good chance your competitors will be doing the same, even if they have less to offer. So don’t let this be where you let your audience drop off.


When it comes to sales, timing plays a huge role. Sometimes a “no” can really just be a “not right now.” It’s important to know when that’s the case and have a plan ready to go to nurture that seed. We recommend an automated email campaign. If you typically run across the same reasons why someone can’t invest right then and there, develop a campaign centered around that hold-up. It’s a great way to generate a semi-personal push. Making the consumer feel heard and incentivize them to eventually pull the trigger.


Similar to the awareness stage, paid ads can be a fantastic way to stay at the top of your consumer’s mind. The keywords in your campaign can lead your unique audience directly to you and then continue to digitally follow them around as they browse the internet. Your brand name stays top of mind and offers small reminders that they need your service.


Arguably one of the most influential aspects of the consideration stage. Consumers (understandably) love reviews. You can speak about your business and the benefits till you’re blue in the face. But an honest and insightful review from an outsider is going to carry so much more weight. So why silently wait for thoughts to come in? Ask your customers and clients to share their input! Bonus points if you do so via video, as it comes across as more genuine and engaging.


You never know how curious your audience is going to be. And the best way to reward that curiosity is to provide value and information in droves. What better way to stand out against your competitors than to really prove you know what the f**k you’re talking about? A steady stream of insightful, industry-centered articles will set you apart as a leader and give your audience a chance to learn about your brand voice and personality.


No two brands are the same, so what makes you unique? Think of your audience and the community you want to build; what kind of brands do they want to engage with? What do they want to see? Compiling your brand personality and culture into an engaging video is a great way to push your consumer further into your funnel. We’re not saying to be someone you’re not. But showcasing the aspects of your brand that you’re proud of and differentiate you from the rest might be the thing that pushes a consumer to buy from you rather than a competitor.


Your brand’s community can say a lot about what your brand represents. Who are your biggest fans, and how do they interact with your brand and the world around them? When consumers buy something, they can be acutely aware of what that purchase says about them individually. For example, different makes and models of cars can all have unique vibes. What image does it represent? What community are they now associating themselves with? To be honest, you don’t have much control over how your community interacts with you. But you do have control over the kind of content you’re putting out and the type of community you form. Be mindful of your social impact and how it may motivate or deter others from joining in.


Alright, so your customer is aware of who you are, and they’re interested in your brand over others, now comes the trickiest part. How to get them to pull the trigger.



At this point, you don’t need to keep selling on who you are. This is where you want to double down on real-life benefits and product transparency. And a product demo video accomplishes both. This is where you can prove any claims you made, answer any lingering questions, and show the actual outcomes of what you have to offer.


The final pitch is a critical moment in the sales funnel. It needs to intricately wrap up all the key benefits and squash any doubts. It’s not the time to leave anything up to chance, which is why incorporating video into your pitches is vital. With video, there’s no chance of stumbling on your words or leaving out a critical point. You can produce it precisely to your liking and have it ready to present whenever it’s needed. No mistakes and no mishaps. Just the perfect pitch every time.


Maintaining a loyal customer is much more valuable than finding and converting new customers. So how do you convince your new customers to come back again and again?



These customers are already aware of your brand and have made their way through your sales funnel successfully. So now the key is to reward them, remain top of mind, and continue to provide value. A consistent e-blast is a fantastic way to stay relevant with your audience and offer up ~insider~ promotions and insights. They’ll feel grateful for the opportunity to save money, and (if they had a pleasant initial experience), they’ll likely return for more.


Let your audience be heard! Obviously, you want to expand your library of positive reviews, so why not go straight to the source? By asking your current customers to share their stories, they’ll feel a deeper connection to your brand. Plus, you’ll have more opportunities to listen and grow from their shared stories. It’s a win-win.


Technically, this isn’t part of the sales funnel. But it’s possibly the most critical element.

Let’s say you read this article and decide to implement all these changes to your sales funnel. That’s great! But how will you know what’s working and to what extent?

An influx of sales is a great thing, but what’s even more important is knowing where that stream is coming from and why. That knowledge will allow you to perpetuate the results. Whether it’s by doubling down on that method or tweaking other aspects of your funnel to better match what brings the most results.

So yes, it’s crucial to adjust your funnel and bring it up to date. But don’t do so if you’re planning on ignoring it and just letting it pilot itself. We’re not saying it’s easy. But it will be worth it.

And as always, if you can’t do it on your own, you’ve got INDIRAP.

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