9 Steps To Create Engaging Real Estate Videos for Property Listings

Buying a house is all about aesthetics and comfort, so it's natural to think of a visual image of yourself living there before you sign the deal. Although there's nothing like actually being there to see the house, real estate videos for property listings serve the purpose well and enable buyers to see their dream house up close. 

Now, view the scenario from the other end of the table. Real estate agents can also use this niche and create appealing video content for real estate to attract buyers.

Did you know that 85% of buyers and sellers want to work with real estate agents who provide videos of the property they're selling or marketing? However, today, only 15℅ agents use real estate videos for property listings for their clients. 

Do you want to sell your real estate listing like hotcakes? Take advantage of the potential, and we’re here to help you do that. 

Why Make Real Estate Video Content

Shopping for a house is a unique experience. People usually take turns standing in all the rooms, visualizing the walls, furniture, and everything they own, imagining how it'll look. 

So, you have the dream house on your plate that you think would sell (or at least get you a couple of potential buyers) within hours. But as you open the house, not a single person walks in. Why is that?

You may have the right product, price, and place, but the key element you're forgetting is promotion. That's what real estate videos for property listings will do for you. 

93% of marketers believe video content is essential to their marketing strategy.

From expanding your buyer volume to making memoirs they can take home and share the feel of living in their dream house with their families, the videos have so much potential. 

Are you worried about accommodating and showing the clients around on your schedule? That's another area where videos can help. 

According to the National Association of Realtors, listings with a video received a 403% increase in inquiries compared to those without a video.

Some more benefits of real estate video content marketing are:

  • It enables agents to share property listings easily across the web and other social media platforms
  • It gives the buyers an in-depth view of the property while sitting at home
  • Agents can make use of creative ways to market and showcase the listings
  • Buyers feel more connected with the agents through their videos.
  • It gives an edge to the listing.

So, if you aren’t making real estate videos for property listings yet,  now is the time to start creating engaging videos

Types of Real Estate Videos for Property Listings

Now that we know and agree that video content marketing for real estate acts as the bridge between the real estate agent and buyer, let’s look at the promotional material or video marketing for real estate you can work on to promote your listing.

Virtual Tours

It’s not shocking, but 72% of buyers use mobile phones and tablets to view homes near them.

Some of the most incredible real estate videos for property listings look like virtual tours of the property. People can enjoy the view and take a keen look at the floor plan, the state of the house, and each nook and corner while sitting in the comfort of their homes.

A virtual tour video takes you through each room of the house, and people love them for that! It's easy to emotionally engage potential customers this way. Plus, people can later share these videos with other family members or spouses.

Here is an example of virtual tour from 360 Real Estate:

Neighborhood Video Tours

In this type of video, you can walk the buyer through the neighborhood. The key focus is on schools, medical facilities, grocery stores, etc. 

Check out this amazing video example from Your Williamson Team Real Estate on Lower Lonsdale, North Vancouver neighborhood:

Client Testimonial

These are like viral word-of-mouth posts by buyers or sellers. When you give a face to a video, it will likely have a higher impact, and that's exactly what these real estate videos for property listings do. 

The previous buyers take on the screen and talk about their experience with the sales agent (i.e., You.) You can add client testimonials on your web page and increase your credibility across different online forums.

Here is one video from LEAGUE Real Estate, LLC:

Introduction Videos

If you're just starting or looking to rebrand your image, the introduction or agent profile video is a great way to begin. You can make a short video about who you are, your business, and how far along you've come. You can add as many details as you want to share with your customers.

Again, putting out your face increases engagement, and people will feel more at ease talking to you than some photo agent.

One example from SY Capital Estates is:

9 Steps to Record Stellar Real Estate Videos for Property Listings

Do you want to start making real estate videos for property listings but are worried because you have no experience? That's the best part about real estate videos! You need absolutely zero video editing experience, nor do you need to spend extensively on heavy equipment. 

There are so many tools and apps you can get for free (or for a few bucks only) that can help you create dream real estate videos for property listings that will help you close deals real quick.

Click here to check out some great tips and top video editing tools available in the markets today.

Here’s how to start your journey to getting more clients and increasing your sales.

Step 1: Define Your Goals

First things first, clearly define your goals so your video gets a clear direction. Before you start shooting, you need to think through what you want to achieve from the real estate videos for property listings.

Doesn't it look simple? Just ask yourself these questions before you begin:

  1. Who is my target audience?
  2. What can I do to make the audience more aware of my listing?
  3. What information do I want to put out?

That's it! 

Step 2: Plan the Shots and Angles

Make a short list of the details you want to cover in your real estate videos for property listings. 

That way, you won't miss anything as you go from room to room. The angles also play a significant role in capturing all the details in a single shot. Try different places using your tripod to find the one angle in each room where you get the best light, and it also covers all the details.

If you are new to making videos, the best tip is to walk around the house. Imagine that your camera is a buyer who is walking through the house with you. 

Check out Andrei Restrepo's tips and tricks here.

Step 3: Stage the House

This is a very important step. All the dream houses we see in magazines or reality shows are staged. 

They are cleaned up, and the lighting is set so that everything looks great from the angle the video is made from. The more appealing it appears, the more likely it is to get the buyer’s attention.

A few tips that’ll help are:

  • Declutter where you can
  • Organize the shelves, etc.
  • Remove private items from the bathrooms and bedrooms
  • Remember, leave no dirty dishes in the sink!
  • All bedspreads should be wrinkle-free and clean.
  • Empty the trash cans, clear the pool area, and ensure the windows are sparkly clean.

Here is a video from TODAY to have you get started with staging:

Before filming the house, get all the necessary shots in one place. That includes the main entryway, detailed shots of areas buyers will likely be most interested in, and shots of the most attractive places on or around the property.

Step 4: Start Filming!

Now comes the fun part. This is where you film. Once you've set the goals, you can’t go wrong.

Make short clips that you can put together to make a compelling video. Add music where needed, and always include captions. Here are some pro tips by Andrei Restrepo on how to make video content for real estate that stands out.

Step 5: Branding

Always include a CTA towards the end of the video. Include all the details you’d want the customer to have, such as your email, phone number, company address, etc. 

Karin Carr has some really helpful tips to share in this regard:

Another thing people often miss at this stage is ensuring the information is visible and stays up on the screen long enough to register in the viewer’s mind.

If your company has a logo, don’t forget to add that!

Step 6: Add a Personal Feel to It

Hiring an actor is not a bad idea if you're camera shy or don't want to star in the video for any reason. With AI content on the rise, giving a personal touch to your videos goes a long way. 

People will connect and relate better to a face, so make your real estate videos for property listings as personalized as possible and include your voiceover.

Step 7: Make the Edits

Once you've assembled all the clips, put them together. Add slides between each frame to tell them about each room. Add more context via voice-overs, notes, or relevant music.

As you walk through the house, inform the audience about different facts, such as the flooring, utilities, countertop material, fixtures that come with the house, and any other relevant information.

If you own an iPhone, check out this editing video by Taylor Brown that can make all the difference when making your real estate videos.

Step 8: Review

Once your video is ready to be shared or uploaded, review it at least once. Don't skip parts you think you’ve seen enough of. Go through the whole video, viewing it from the eyes of a potential buyer.

Check the caption, overall content, CTA visibility, and everything else. Remember, you can edit the video only at this stage. 

Step 9: Upload and Share the Video

That’s it. Your video is now ready to be shared with the world. To maximize your reach, share it on YouTube, your website, and other social media handles.

Remember, this one single video can reduce the number of in-person viewings for you. No matter how many buyers you want to show around, you can simply share this video with them without actually taking appointments or giving physical tours. 

Tips to Make the Perfect Real Estate Video

Here are some tips for shooting the best real estate videos for property listings.

  • Empathize: Resonate with your clients. The buyer is not interested in the property but in making it a home. Personalize the place and let them feel it in your video.
  • Maximize Coverage: Make sure to cover the property in its entirety. You must make it appealing, but don't lie about it. If any bits and pieces look upsetting, share them with the client.
  • Talk About the Community: The neighboring area is as important as the property. Discuss the utilities, nearby places, and everything around the house in your video.
  • Keep it Short and Sweet: Keep your video engaging and short. There is no need to include long narratives or unnecessary scripts. Try to keep it under two minutes.

Also, check out these amazing strategies to create attractive content that’ll keep your clients glued to their screens as they watch your content.

Wrap Up

Real estate videos for property listings are a cheap yet very effective strategy for quickly attracting clients. They give buyers a complete and immersive experience and allow them to learn in detail about the property's features and layout without being physically present.

The best part is that these real estate videos are easy to make. Even if you’re a beginner, just follow these steps, and you’ll have fantastic, compelling videos that will spread and get your buyers running to you.

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video marketing trends
March 30, 2025

9 Steps To Create Engaging Real Estate Videos for Property Listings

Real estate

Buying a house is all about aesthetics and comfort, so it's natural to think of a visual image of yourself living there before you sign the deal. Although there's nothing like actually being there to see the house, real estate videos for property listings serve the purpose well and enable buyers to see their dream house up close. 

Now, view the scenario from the other end of the table. Real estate agents can also use this niche and create appealing video content for real estate to attract buyers.

Did you know that 85% of buyers and sellers want to work with real estate agents who provide videos of the property they're selling or marketing? However, today, only 15℅ agents use real estate videos for property listings for their clients. 

Do you want to sell your real estate listing like hotcakes? Take advantage of the potential, and we’re here to help you do that. 

Why Make Real Estate Video Content

Shopping for a house is a unique experience. People usually take turns standing in all the rooms, visualizing the walls, furniture, and everything they own, imagining how it'll look. 

So, you have the dream house on your plate that you think would sell (or at least get you a couple of potential buyers) within hours. But as you open the house, not a single person walks in. Why is that?

You may have the right product, price, and place, but the key element you're forgetting is promotion. That's what real estate videos for property listings will do for you. 

93% of marketers believe video content is essential to their marketing strategy.

From expanding your buyer volume to making memoirs they can take home and share the feel of living in their dream house with their families, the videos have so much potential. 

Are you worried about accommodating and showing the clients around on your schedule? That's another area where videos can help. 

According to the National Association of Realtors, listings with a video received a 403% increase in inquiries compared to those without a video.

Some more benefits of real estate video content marketing are:

  • It enables agents to share property listings easily across the web and other social media platforms
  • It gives the buyers an in-depth view of the property while sitting at home
  • Agents can make use of creative ways to market and showcase the listings
  • Buyers feel more connected with the agents through their videos.
  • It gives an edge to the listing.

So, if you aren’t making real estate videos for property listings yet,  now is the time to start creating engaging videos

Types of Real Estate Videos for Property Listings

Now that we know and agree that video content marketing for real estate acts as the bridge between the real estate agent and buyer, let’s look at the promotional material or video marketing for real estate you can work on to promote your listing.

Virtual Tours

It’s not shocking, but 72% of buyers use mobile phones and tablets to view homes near them.

Some of the most incredible real estate videos for property listings look like virtual tours of the property. People can enjoy the view and take a keen look at the floor plan, the state of the house, and each nook and corner while sitting in the comfort of their homes.

A virtual tour video takes you through each room of the house, and people love them for that! It's easy to emotionally engage potential customers this way. Plus, people can later share these videos with other family members or spouses.

Here is an example of virtual tour from 360 Real Estate:

Neighborhood Video Tours

In this type of video, you can walk the buyer through the neighborhood. The key focus is on schools, medical facilities, grocery stores, etc. 

Check out this amazing video example from Your Williamson Team Real Estate on Lower Lonsdale, North Vancouver neighborhood:

Client Testimonial

These are like viral word-of-mouth posts by buyers or sellers. When you give a face to a video, it will likely have a higher impact, and that's exactly what these real estate videos for property listings do. 

The previous buyers take on the screen and talk about their experience with the sales agent (i.e., You.) You can add client testimonials on your web page and increase your credibility across different online forums.

Here is one video from LEAGUE Real Estate, LLC:

Introduction Videos

If you're just starting or looking to rebrand your image, the introduction or agent profile video is a great way to begin. You can make a short video about who you are, your business, and how far along you've come. You can add as many details as you want to share with your customers.

Again, putting out your face increases engagement, and people will feel more at ease talking to you than some photo agent.

One example from SY Capital Estates is:

9 Steps to Record Stellar Real Estate Videos for Property Listings

Do you want to start making real estate videos for property listings but are worried because you have no experience? That's the best part about real estate videos! You need absolutely zero video editing experience, nor do you need to spend extensively on heavy equipment. 

There are so many tools and apps you can get for free (or for a few bucks only) that can help you create dream real estate videos for property listings that will help you close deals real quick.

Click here to check out some great tips and top video editing tools available in the markets today.

Here’s how to start your journey to getting more clients and increasing your sales.

Step 1: Define Your Goals

First things first, clearly define your goals so your video gets a clear direction. Before you start shooting, you need to think through what you want to achieve from the real estate videos for property listings.

Doesn't it look simple? Just ask yourself these questions before you begin:

  1. Who is my target audience?
  2. What can I do to make the audience more aware of my listing?
  3. What information do I want to put out?

That's it! 

Step 2: Plan the Shots and Angles

Make a short list of the details you want to cover in your real estate videos for property listings. 

That way, you won't miss anything as you go from room to room. The angles also play a significant role in capturing all the details in a single shot. Try different places using your tripod to find the one angle in each room where you get the best light, and it also covers all the details.

If you are new to making videos, the best tip is to walk around the house. Imagine that your camera is a buyer who is walking through the house with you. 

Check out Andrei Restrepo's tips and tricks here.

Step 3: Stage the House

This is a very important step. All the dream houses we see in magazines or reality shows are staged. 

They are cleaned up, and the lighting is set so that everything looks great from the angle the video is made from. The more appealing it appears, the more likely it is to get the buyer’s attention.

A few tips that’ll help are:

  • Declutter where you can
  • Organize the shelves, etc.
  • Remove private items from the bathrooms and bedrooms
  • Remember, leave no dirty dishes in the sink!
  • All bedspreads should be wrinkle-free and clean.
  • Empty the trash cans, clear the pool area, and ensure the windows are sparkly clean.

Here is a video from TODAY to have you get started with staging:

Before filming the house, get all the necessary shots in one place. That includes the main entryway, detailed shots of areas buyers will likely be most interested in, and shots of the most attractive places on or around the property.

Step 4: Start Filming!

Now comes the fun part. This is where you film. Once you've set the goals, you can’t go wrong.

Make short clips that you can put together to make a compelling video. Add music where needed, and always include captions. Here are some pro tips by Andrei Restrepo on how to make video content for real estate that stands out.

Step 5: Branding

Always include a CTA towards the end of the video. Include all the details you’d want the customer to have, such as your email, phone number, company address, etc. 

Karin Carr has some really helpful tips to share in this regard:

Another thing people often miss at this stage is ensuring the information is visible and stays up on the screen long enough to register in the viewer’s mind.

If your company has a logo, don’t forget to add that!

Step 6: Add a Personal Feel to It

Hiring an actor is not a bad idea if you're camera shy or don't want to star in the video for any reason. With AI content on the rise, giving a personal touch to your videos goes a long way. 

People will connect and relate better to a face, so make your real estate videos for property listings as personalized as possible and include your voiceover.

Step 7: Make the Edits

Once you've assembled all the clips, put them together. Add slides between each frame to tell them about each room. Add more context via voice-overs, notes, or relevant music.

As you walk through the house, inform the audience about different facts, such as the flooring, utilities, countertop material, fixtures that come with the house, and any other relevant information.

If you own an iPhone, check out this editing video by Taylor Brown that can make all the difference when making your real estate videos.

Step 8: Review

Once your video is ready to be shared or uploaded, review it at least once. Don't skip parts you think you’ve seen enough of. Go through the whole video, viewing it from the eyes of a potential buyer.

Check the caption, overall content, CTA visibility, and everything else. Remember, you can edit the video only at this stage. 

Step 9: Upload and Share the Video

That’s it. Your video is now ready to be shared with the world. To maximize your reach, share it on YouTube, your website, and other social media handles.

Remember, this one single video can reduce the number of in-person viewings for you. No matter how many buyers you want to show around, you can simply share this video with them without actually taking appointments or giving physical tours. 

Tips to Make the Perfect Real Estate Video

Here are some tips for shooting the best real estate videos for property listings.

  • Empathize: Resonate with your clients. The buyer is not interested in the property but in making it a home. Personalize the place and let them feel it in your video.
  • Maximize Coverage: Make sure to cover the property in its entirety. You must make it appealing, but don't lie about it. If any bits and pieces look upsetting, share them with the client.
  • Talk About the Community: The neighboring area is as important as the property. Discuss the utilities, nearby places, and everything around the house in your video.
  • Keep it Short and Sweet: Keep your video engaging and short. There is no need to include long narratives or unnecessary scripts. Try to keep it under two minutes.

Also, check out these amazing strategies to create attractive content that’ll keep your clients glued to their screens as they watch your content.

Wrap Up

Real estate videos for property listings are a cheap yet very effective strategy for quickly attracting clients. They give buyers a complete and immersive experience and allow them to learn in detail about the property's features and layout without being physically present.

The best part is that these real estate videos are easy to make. Even if you’re a beginner, just follow these steps, and you’ll have fantastic, compelling videos that will spread and get your buyers running to you.

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