10 Case Studies of Successful Video Campaigns to Look At In 2024

According to Forbes, 84% of marketers use videos because of their undeniable impact. If you’re part of that crowd, you already know how effective they can be. 

However, no matter how brilliant your idea for video ad campaigns seems, there’s always someone who’s done it differently—maybe even better. And that’s okay. 

It’s a humbling reminder that creativity isn’t born in a vacuum. Inspiration is everywhere, and borrowing a spark from someone else’s success can complement your own work. 

In this guide, we will explore some successful video campaigns to help you sharpen your vision and approach your upcoming creative breakthrough with fresh eyes. 

10 Successful Video Campaigns to Seek Inspiration From

Sometimes, the nudge you need comes from looking at what others have accomplished—not to copy them but to discover what’s possible. 

The video ad campaigns listed below-made waves by connecting with audiences in unique ways. So, if you’ve been racking your brain trying to figure out how to make a successful campaign video, your search ends here.  

1. Coca Cola Masterpiece 

Cola Cola has been a giant in the advertising world for decades, but their “Masterpiece” ad proves they still know how to keep things fresh. 

Instead of focusing on selling the product, the ad takes a step back and has fun with its cultural status. It plays with iconic art references, including a clever nod to Andy Warhol, showing how deeply ingrained Coke is in pop culture. 

It reminds us that the Coke bottle is as much a part of pop culture as any masterpiece hanging in a gallery. The ad was fun, bold, and a celebration of Coca-Cola’s enduring influence. 

What to learn:

  • If your brand has a rich history, don’t shy away from it. Embrace it in creative ways that remind people why they love you. 
  • Once your brand is established, you don’t have to repeatedly “sell” the product as much. Use that space to get creative and build a memorable experience instead. 
  • Incorporate historical and cultural references to make your brand feel timeless. 

2. Volvo (Parents)

Parenting comes with its own set of challenges, and Volvo’s ad for the XC60 beautifully captures the essence. This successful viral video campaign starts by depicting the cautious steps parents take to baby-proof their home. 

It highlights the universal understanding of a child’s vulnerability, making it super relatable. What’s truly clever, though, is what the ad doesn’t show. 

The brand focuses on the preparation for a baby’s arrival and leaves the specifics of the car’s safety features to the imagination. This way, it subtly shows how effortless its safety innovations are. 

It would be fair to say that it’s a masterclass in suggesting quality without overtly showcasing it. Instead, it lets the implication of safety and ease speak louder than any direct claims. 

What to learn:

  • Sometimes, showing less is more. Let your audience infer the benefits rather than listing them out. 
  • Use relatable scenarios to highlight your product’s strengths. When your video relates to your audience’s everyday experiences, it is more likely to have a substantial impact. 
  • Trust that your audience will appreciate the nuanced approach; letting your product’s attributes shine through in an understated manner doesn’t hurt. 

3. Google: A Coda Story

When a brand becomes so integral to our lives that its name becomes a verb, you know it’s made an impact. While some companies hesitate to display this level of ubiquity, Google embraces it with its “A Coda Story” Ad. 

Google celebrates its dominant role in our daily activities through the ad. It reinforces the idea that whatever you’re doing, there’s a Google service to help you along the way. Overall, it’s a bold affirmation that being synonymous with modern life is something to be proud of. 

What to Learn: 

  • Don’t shy away from the fact that your brand has become a staple. Use it to strengthen your connection with your audience. 
  • Instead of trying to downplay your influence, celebrate it. Let your audience know that you’re a key player in their lives. 

4. The Farmer’s Dog: Super Bowl Commercial 

The Super Bowl’s “Forever” commercial is one of the most successful video campaigns. It hits the emotional sweet spot by turning a fleeting moment into something unforgettable. 

Besides showing a cute puppy, the ad takes us on a heartwarming journey through the dog’s life with his human. In fact, it feels less like a commercial and more like a short form video that tugs at your heartstrings. The focus on the deep bond between the dog and its owner makes you see their dog food in a whole new light; you might just find yourself wanting to buy it, not just for your dog, but for the love story it represents. 

What to learn: 

  • Use storytelling to make your product part of a larger, meaningful story. 
  • Turn everyday products into something special by connecting them with heartfelt, relatable moments. 

5. Get an Airbnb Animated Series

Airbnb's animated video ad campaigns take a fresh approach to showcasing its unique offerings. The company proves that visuals aren’t the only element that helps create a compelling ad. 

It uses the power of sound to highlight the contrast between the chaotic hotel experience and the tranquil comfort of staying in an Airbnb. 

Sound effects and a distinctive dollhouse aesthetic grab the viewer’s attention, even if they’re not entirely focused. So, besides being eye-catching, it’s ear-catching, too, and that’s something the audience today doesn’t come across often. 

Get an Airbnb Successful Video Campaign

What to learn: 

  • Use sound design to create a rich experience that makes your ad unforgettable. 
  • Subtly highlight the differences between your offering and the competition through storytelling techniques

6. Planet Fitness

Planet Fitness’s ad, “Mother Fitness,” used a renowned personality to create a compelling campaign. 

To begin with, it doesn’t stick with the usual “compare and contrast” routine but employs a creative twist that makes the message pop. Further, the ad’s bold visual style—with its signature Planet Fitness color scheme—immediately grabs attention. 

However, Megan Thee Stallion’s cameo is what really steals the show. Her larger-than-life personality breathes life into the ad. In fact, it turns what could have been a mundane message into a captivating ad. 

What to learn: 

  • Use celebrity appearances to bring a fresh twist to your message. Sure, it might require a larger budget upfront, but it would be worth every dollar. 
  • A hint of personality (and creativity) can create memorable experiences, and your ad is likely to stand out in a crowded market. 

7. Crumble Pakistan

Crumble Pakistan’s video ad campaigns are a refreshing departure from the usual. They infuse everyday scenarios with a delightful dose of comedy. 

Take their spin on the popular “behind-the-scenes” video format. Typically, this format showcases the creator’s shooting process to reveal a polished final product. 

However, Crumble Pakistan flips this script by filming an elaborate setup for a cup of cookies and ice cream, only to reveal a hilariously clumsy result. The company leveraged social media video technique to post this idea as a reel.

Successful Video Campaign

Watch the full reel from: https://www.facebook.com/reel/962492438965020

Another hit is their “POV: You Have Siblings” short form video, where a cookie box in the fridge is humorously labeled, “Do not eat. I have 4 cookies. Net weight: 805.01 g,” poking fun at the all-too-familiar sibling antics over shared treats. 

Successful Video Campaign

Watch the full reel from: https://www.facebook.com/reel/1187400755646968

The brand isn’t a household name, yet its creative approach is quickly winning hearts. 

What to learn: 

  • Use comedy to differentiate your brand and entertain your audience. 
  • Take familiar, viral formats and add a unique twist to keep your content engaging. 
  • Humanize your brand. People connect with humans, not bots. 

8. TWIX: Camping 

TWIX knows how to keep things light-hearted, and their “Camping” ad is a perfect example of offbeat humor at its best. 

The ad is about the classic debate of which side of the TWIX bar is better, but with a darkly comedic twist that turns the argument into a hilarious camping scenario. 

It’s a strategic way of showing that every part of a TWIX bar is equally delicious, all while making you chuckle. If you’re curious about how humor results in successful video marketing campaigns, TWIX is a great example. 

What to learn:

  • Don’t be afraid to be unconventional. Quirkiness often leaves a lasting impression.
  • Show your product’s qualities in an unexpected way to keep viewers entertained.
  • Infuse your ads with humor. After all, 90% of people are more likely to remember a brand’s ad if it’s humorous. 

9. Babylon Finance

Who said finance has to be boring? Babylon Finance’s approach to video marketing is as engaging as it is informative. 

The brand uses isometric animation, reminiscent of the beautiful graphics from Monument Valley, and transforms the Babylon garden concept into a vibrant, game-like world. 

This strategy made the often-dry subject of finance feel fun. It was a great way to keep viewers hooked while they learn. 

What to learn: 

  • Stand out with eye-catching graphics 
  • Break down complicated ideas with a hint of creativity to make learning easier. 

10. Top Gun: Maverick (2022)

Tom Cruise knows how to make an entrance, and his behind-the-scenes video for Top Gun: Maverick is no exception. It is hands down among the most successful video campaigns because it goes beyond a typical promotion and blends star power. 

The video shows Cruise on set while teasing a surprise connection with Mission Impossible. The informal, high-energy vibe perfectly complements the adrenaline-pumping visuals. 

While the lavish production might be hard to replicate for most brands, its success—boasting 4.8 million YouTube views and counting—proves the undeniable allure of behind-the-scenes content.   

What to learn: 

  • Collaborate with well-known personalities to add excitement (and credibility) to your campaign. 
  • Humans are curious beings, and they love behind-the-scenes footage from brands. It helps them see the “human side” of your business and build a stronger connection. 

Launch Your Successful Video Campaign with the Best Video Marketing Chicago

Even if you have the most brilliant idea, it’s always wise to explore how others have created memorable ads from their visions. 

After all, great advertising goes beyond having a unique concept. You must also know how to execute it to see tangible results. 

We enlisted numerous brands that have set the bar high. These campaigns show that brilliance can come from the most unexpected places. 

So, why stop at one idea when there’s a world of successful video campaigns to spark your creativity? 

If you need help bringing your vision to life, connect with experts in Video Production Chicago. At Indirap, we pride ourselves as a well-rounded video marketing agency. We can turn your brand’s identity into an engaging video that captures the hearts. Your next success story starts here!


How do you make a successful video campaign?

There’s no one-size-fits-all formula for a successful video ad campaign. However, elements like right bidding, targeting, budget, and ads combine to make it a hit. As a business, you must understand your audience and infuse your campaign with what resonates with them, whether it’s humor, storytelling, or a compelling message. Experiment with various tactics and see what clicks. 

What is the most successful advertising campaign ever?

Determining the “most successful” ad campaign ever can be tricky because success is measured in various ways: impact, reach, and even ROI. However, one campaign often cited is Apple’s “1984” Super Bowl ad, which introduced Macintosh computer. It was praised for its role in shaping the future of tech advertising. 

What is the most successful video of all time?

The title of the most successful video of all time is often associated with “Baby Shark Dance,” “See You Again,” and “Despacito,” garnering 7.05, 2.89, and 2.99 billion views (and counting), respectively. The universal appeal of these videos made them a massive hit. 

How to measure success of a video campaign?

To measure the success of a video campaign, you’ll want to keep an eye on the engagement metrics, conversion rates, ROI, and audience retention. These insights will help you understand what worked and where you need to tweak your strategy for even better results. However, remember how a business defines success can vary, so choose metrics that align with your goals. 

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September 15, 2024

10 Case Studies of Successful Video Campaigns to Look At In 2024


According to Forbes, 84% of marketers use videos because of their undeniable impact. If you’re part of that crowd, you already know how effective they can be. 

However, no matter how brilliant your idea for video ad campaigns seems, there’s always someone who’s done it differently—maybe even better. And that’s okay. 

It’s a humbling reminder that creativity isn’t born in a vacuum. Inspiration is everywhere, and borrowing a spark from someone else’s success can complement your own work. 

In this guide, we will explore some successful video campaigns to help you sharpen your vision and approach your upcoming creative breakthrough with fresh eyes. 

10 Successful Video Campaigns to Seek Inspiration From

Sometimes, the nudge you need comes from looking at what others have accomplished—not to copy them but to discover what’s possible. 

The video ad campaigns listed below-made waves by connecting with audiences in unique ways. So, if you’ve been racking your brain trying to figure out how to make a successful campaign video, your search ends here.  

1. Coca Cola Masterpiece 

Cola Cola has been a giant in the advertising world for decades, but their “Masterpiece” ad proves they still know how to keep things fresh. 

Instead of focusing on selling the product, the ad takes a step back and has fun with its cultural status. It plays with iconic art references, including a clever nod to Andy Warhol, showing how deeply ingrained Coke is in pop culture. 

It reminds us that the Coke bottle is as much a part of pop culture as any masterpiece hanging in a gallery. The ad was fun, bold, and a celebration of Coca-Cola’s enduring influence. 

What to learn:

  • If your brand has a rich history, don’t shy away from it. Embrace it in creative ways that remind people why they love you. 
  • Once your brand is established, you don’t have to repeatedly “sell” the product as much. Use that space to get creative and build a memorable experience instead. 
  • Incorporate historical and cultural references to make your brand feel timeless. 

2. Volvo (Parents)

Parenting comes with its own set of challenges, and Volvo’s ad for the XC60 beautifully captures the essence. This successful viral video campaign starts by depicting the cautious steps parents take to baby-proof their home. 

It highlights the universal understanding of a child’s vulnerability, making it super relatable. What’s truly clever, though, is what the ad doesn’t show. 

The brand focuses on the preparation for a baby’s arrival and leaves the specifics of the car’s safety features to the imagination. This way, it subtly shows how effortless its safety innovations are. 

It would be fair to say that it’s a masterclass in suggesting quality without overtly showcasing it. Instead, it lets the implication of safety and ease speak louder than any direct claims. 

What to learn:

  • Sometimes, showing less is more. Let your audience infer the benefits rather than listing them out. 
  • Use relatable scenarios to highlight your product’s strengths. When your video relates to your audience’s everyday experiences, it is more likely to have a substantial impact. 
  • Trust that your audience will appreciate the nuanced approach; letting your product’s attributes shine through in an understated manner doesn’t hurt. 

3. Google: A Coda Story

When a brand becomes so integral to our lives that its name becomes a verb, you know it’s made an impact. While some companies hesitate to display this level of ubiquity, Google embraces it with its “A Coda Story” Ad. 

Google celebrates its dominant role in our daily activities through the ad. It reinforces the idea that whatever you’re doing, there’s a Google service to help you along the way. Overall, it’s a bold affirmation that being synonymous with modern life is something to be proud of. 

What to Learn: 

  • Don’t shy away from the fact that your brand has become a staple. Use it to strengthen your connection with your audience. 
  • Instead of trying to downplay your influence, celebrate it. Let your audience know that you’re a key player in their lives. 

4. The Farmer’s Dog: Super Bowl Commercial 

The Super Bowl’s “Forever” commercial is one of the most successful video campaigns. It hits the emotional sweet spot by turning a fleeting moment into something unforgettable. 

Besides showing a cute puppy, the ad takes us on a heartwarming journey through the dog’s life with his human. In fact, it feels less like a commercial and more like a short form video that tugs at your heartstrings. The focus on the deep bond between the dog and its owner makes you see their dog food in a whole new light; you might just find yourself wanting to buy it, not just for your dog, but for the love story it represents. 

What to learn: 

  • Use storytelling to make your product part of a larger, meaningful story. 
  • Turn everyday products into something special by connecting them with heartfelt, relatable moments. 

5. Get an Airbnb Animated Series

Airbnb's animated video ad campaigns take a fresh approach to showcasing its unique offerings. The company proves that visuals aren’t the only element that helps create a compelling ad. 

It uses the power of sound to highlight the contrast between the chaotic hotel experience and the tranquil comfort of staying in an Airbnb. 

Sound effects and a distinctive dollhouse aesthetic grab the viewer’s attention, even if they’re not entirely focused. So, besides being eye-catching, it’s ear-catching, too, and that’s something the audience today doesn’t come across often. 

Get an Airbnb Successful Video Campaign

What to learn: 

  • Use sound design to create a rich experience that makes your ad unforgettable. 
  • Subtly highlight the differences between your offering and the competition through storytelling techniques

6. Planet Fitness

Planet Fitness’s ad, “Mother Fitness,” used a renowned personality to create a compelling campaign. 

To begin with, it doesn’t stick with the usual “compare and contrast” routine but employs a creative twist that makes the message pop. Further, the ad’s bold visual style—with its signature Planet Fitness color scheme—immediately grabs attention. 

However, Megan Thee Stallion’s cameo is what really steals the show. Her larger-than-life personality breathes life into the ad. In fact, it turns what could have been a mundane message into a captivating ad. 

What to learn: 

  • Use celebrity appearances to bring a fresh twist to your message. Sure, it might require a larger budget upfront, but it would be worth every dollar. 
  • A hint of personality (and creativity) can create memorable experiences, and your ad is likely to stand out in a crowded market. 

7. Crumble Pakistan

Crumble Pakistan’s video ad campaigns are a refreshing departure from the usual. They infuse everyday scenarios with a delightful dose of comedy. 

Take their spin on the popular “behind-the-scenes” video format. Typically, this format showcases the creator’s shooting process to reveal a polished final product. 

However, Crumble Pakistan flips this script by filming an elaborate setup for a cup of cookies and ice cream, only to reveal a hilariously clumsy result. The company leveraged social media video technique to post this idea as a reel.

Successful Video Campaign

Watch the full reel from: https://www.facebook.com/reel/962492438965020

Another hit is their “POV: You Have Siblings” short form video, where a cookie box in the fridge is humorously labeled, “Do not eat. I have 4 cookies. Net weight: 805.01 g,” poking fun at the all-too-familiar sibling antics over shared treats. 

Successful Video Campaign

Watch the full reel from: https://www.facebook.com/reel/1187400755646968

The brand isn’t a household name, yet its creative approach is quickly winning hearts. 

What to learn: 

  • Use comedy to differentiate your brand and entertain your audience. 
  • Take familiar, viral formats and add a unique twist to keep your content engaging. 
  • Humanize your brand. People connect with humans, not bots. 

8. TWIX: Camping 

TWIX knows how to keep things light-hearted, and their “Camping” ad is a perfect example of offbeat humor at its best. 

The ad is about the classic debate of which side of the TWIX bar is better, but with a darkly comedic twist that turns the argument into a hilarious camping scenario. 

It’s a strategic way of showing that every part of a TWIX bar is equally delicious, all while making you chuckle. If you’re curious about how humor results in successful video marketing campaigns, TWIX is a great example. 

What to learn:

  • Don’t be afraid to be unconventional. Quirkiness often leaves a lasting impression.
  • Show your product’s qualities in an unexpected way to keep viewers entertained.
  • Infuse your ads with humor. After all, 90% of people are more likely to remember a brand’s ad if it’s humorous. 

9. Babylon Finance

Who said finance has to be boring? Babylon Finance’s approach to video marketing is as engaging as it is informative. 

The brand uses isometric animation, reminiscent of the beautiful graphics from Monument Valley, and transforms the Babylon garden concept into a vibrant, game-like world. 

This strategy made the often-dry subject of finance feel fun. It was a great way to keep viewers hooked while they learn. 

What to learn: 

  • Stand out with eye-catching graphics 
  • Break down complicated ideas with a hint of creativity to make learning easier. 

10. Top Gun: Maverick (2022)

Tom Cruise knows how to make an entrance, and his behind-the-scenes video for Top Gun: Maverick is no exception. It is hands down among the most successful video campaigns because it goes beyond a typical promotion and blends star power. 

The video shows Cruise on set while teasing a surprise connection with Mission Impossible. The informal, high-energy vibe perfectly complements the adrenaline-pumping visuals. 

While the lavish production might be hard to replicate for most brands, its success—boasting 4.8 million YouTube views and counting—proves the undeniable allure of behind-the-scenes content.   

What to learn: 

  • Collaborate with well-known personalities to add excitement (and credibility) to your campaign. 
  • Humans are curious beings, and they love behind-the-scenes footage from brands. It helps them see the “human side” of your business and build a stronger connection. 

Launch Your Successful Video Campaign with the Best Video Marketing Chicago

Even if you have the most brilliant idea, it’s always wise to explore how others have created memorable ads from their visions. 

After all, great advertising goes beyond having a unique concept. You must also know how to execute it to see tangible results. 

We enlisted numerous brands that have set the bar high. These campaigns show that brilliance can come from the most unexpected places. 

So, why stop at one idea when there’s a world of successful video campaigns to spark your creativity? 

If you need help bringing your vision to life, connect with experts in Video Production Chicago. At Indirap, we pride ourselves as a well-rounded video marketing agency. We can turn your brand’s identity into an engaging video that captures the hearts. Your next success story starts here!


How do you make a successful video campaign?

There’s no one-size-fits-all formula for a successful video ad campaign. However, elements like right bidding, targeting, budget, and ads combine to make it a hit. As a business, you must understand your audience and infuse your campaign with what resonates with them, whether it’s humor, storytelling, or a compelling message. Experiment with various tactics and see what clicks. 

What is the most successful advertising campaign ever?

Determining the “most successful” ad campaign ever can be tricky because success is measured in various ways: impact, reach, and even ROI. However, one campaign often cited is Apple’s “1984” Super Bowl ad, which introduced Macintosh computer. It was praised for its role in shaping the future of tech advertising. 

What is the most successful video of all time?

The title of the most successful video of all time is often associated with “Baby Shark Dance,” “See You Again,” and “Despacito,” garnering 7.05, 2.89, and 2.99 billion views (and counting), respectively. The universal appeal of these videos made them a massive hit. 

How to measure success of a video campaign?

To measure the success of a video campaign, you’ll want to keep an eye on the engagement metrics, conversion rates, ROI, and audience retention. These insights will help you understand what worked and where you need to tweak your strategy for even better results. However, remember how a business defines success can vary, so choose metrics that align with your goals. 

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